What is the purpose of my care schedule?

We’re here to inspire and support your healthy lifestyle. Whether you live locally or not, we’re here to support you, so if you’ve moved away don’t despair, our goal is to share health related material no matter where you live.  
Starting February 21st we have FRIDAY morning adjusting hours! Call the clinic to schedule
You’re Going to Fix it, Right?

How long does it usually take to correct these Vertebral Subluxations?”
OK…….If you’ve been listening to me, attending our classes, reading the info I have posted all over the office, and reading this newsletter, you would have probably figured out that Vertebral Subluxations are bad. How could you not have – I have info on Subluxations dripping from every crack in the plaster!

With that in mind, let’s tackle the issue of getting rid of these Subluxation things in your spine.
One thing you need to understand is that once a Vertebral Subluxation has formed, it can be compared to a dental cavity.  It really doesn’t clear up all by itself. ….And it usually progresses and get worse.
  Is it painful? Most often not. And that is the problem. Most of the time, Subluxations in your spine are not painful unless they have been caused by some sort of trauma – falling, improper strain, accident, etc. The fact that most subluxations are not painful makes them difficult to detect by the average normal Earthling. Only a Chiropractor can tell you if you have one, just the same as a dentist can tell you if you have a cavity that is starting.
The most common are caused as a result of long-term stresses and habits.
Did I say habits?  Yes I did, habits. 
You see, a Vertebral Subluxation most often becomes a habit – and a bad one – that your body is unable to get rid of. So…it slowly begins to adapt to having it. And slowly, your nervous system begins to accommodate and your body functions begin to slowly deteriorate. Not a god thing!Ok…so what I am saying is that you’ve learned a really bad habit.  Knowing this, let me ask you: Do you feel it is easy to get rid of a deeply learned habit?
You are absolutely correct!
As in any habit, in order to get rid on one, we need to substitute it with another – a good one this time.  And that is the very reason I, as your chiropractor, will place patients on a schedule of care which may last weeks to sometimes even 2 years or so. The goal is to change the habit your body has learned. To correct this subluxation pattern.  To wipe it out.  To annihilate it.  To show no mercy. To take no prisoners!  And to restore normal function to your nervous system so that it can, once again, control your body as it was meant to.
That is my goal.
Definitely not for the faint of heart!
Healthy Living:  Vitamin D deficiency is now recognized as a pandemic. The major cause of Vitamin D Deficiency is lack of appreciation that sun exposure in moderation is the major source of vitamin D for most humans.  Very few foods naturally contain Vitamin D and foods that are fortified with vitamin D are often inadequate to satisfy either a child’s or an adult’s vitamin D requirement.
Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets in children and will precipitate and exacerbate osteopenia, osteoporosis and fractures in adults.
Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased risk of common cancers, autoimmune diseases, hypertension, and infection diseases. (shared from pubmed)

We partner with Orthomolecular to provide D3 with K2 for our patients.
Lack of Sleep puts your Health at Risk
Dr. Mercola
Research has shown that insufficient sleep and/or poor-quality sleep can increase your risk for:

Accidents at work and on the road:  Getting less than six hours of sleep leaves you cognitively impaired.  In 2013, drowsy drivers caused 72,000 car accidents in which 800 Americans were killed and 44,000 were injured.  Even a single night of sleeping only four to six hours can impact your ability to think clearly the next day.
Weight Gain:  Getting less than seven hours of sleep per night has been shown to raise your risk of weight gain by increasing levels of appetite-inducing hormones. 
Diabetes:  One 2015 study linked “excessive daytime sleepiness” with a 56% increased risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Depression: More than half of people diagnosed with depression also struggle with insomnia.  While it was long thought that insomnia was a symptom of depression, it now seems that insomnia may precede depression in some cases.  About 70 percent of those with sleep apnea, whose sleep is repeatedly disrupted throughout the night, also tend to suffer from symptoms of depression. 
Impaired memory formation and increased risk of memory loss:  Sleep is essential not just for cementing events into long-term memory but also for making sense of your life.  During sleep, your brain pulls together and extracts meaning, while discarding unimportant details.  In fact, sleep increases your ability to gain insights that would otherwise remain elusive by about 250 percent.  So, during sleep, part of your brain is busy stabilizing, enhancing and integrating new memories.  It’s also extracting rules, and the “gist” of what’s happening in your life.  Reduced productivity at work and poor grades in school are other associated side effects of insufficient sleep.  Creativity is also diminished. 
Chronic diseases: Sleep deprivation decreases your immune function, which can have a snowball effect, raising your risk for cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer, just to name a few.  In the case of cancer, another critical mechanism involved is disrupted melatonin production.  Melatonin is a hormone with antioxidant and anticancer activity.  It both inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and triggers cancer cell apoptosis (self-destruction).  Melatonin also interferes with the new blood supply tumors required for their rapid growth (angiogenesis).  A number of studies have shown that night shift workers are at heightened risk of cancer for this reason. 
Take Control of your Health by Making Sleep a Priority
In a world where technology facilitates and even encourages around-the-clock activity and connectivity, it becomes an individual responsibility to protect your health by setting boundaries and creating you own rules for when and how you’re going to be “connected.”  Sleep is one of the foundation pillars of optimal health; you sacrifice it at great risk to your mental, emotional and physical well-being.  So, if you’re not getting enough quality sleep, start by addressing the basics:

Make sure you go to bed early enough. Expose yourself to bright sunlight in the morning and/or around solar noon to “set” your master clock, and to avoid blue light exposure after sunset for the same reason.  Blue-blocking glasses can be used to counteract artificial lighting and electronic screens. Sleep in complete darkness (use blackout shades or an eye mask).  Research reveals even dim light exposure during sleep can affect your cognition the next day. Find your ideal temperature for sleeping.  Studies suggest the optimal temperature for sleep is quite a bit cooler than many realize – between 60 and 68 degrees F.  Temperatures above or below this tend to increase restlessness. Make your bedroom an EMF-free zone to optimize nighttime brain detoxification.

A Resource for Your Family This book was written for you, it covers all aspects of life and growth and is a resource for parents as your children grow.
This book is a resource for anyone wanting to be healthier and understanding how the body works, heals and functions. 

Order it Online Here


How is your brain working?  We now have scanning technology that evaluates how you are responding to stress and if your brain is healthy and functioning normally.

Did you know that specific adjustments can immediately balance your nervous system and bring your brain waves back to healing mode?
This is one of the reasons we utilize a tonal and brain-based approach to your health.  

Call the office to schedule your Brain Scan and start improving your health by keeping your nervous system regulated.
Book your sauna session now!
Infrared Sauna is great for detoxification, improved circulation, sleep, immunity and helps regulate the nervous system.

Halo Salt Therapy is great for respiratory issues including cough, wheezing, congestion and skin conditions.

Red Light Therapy is great for collagen formation, increased healing, wrinkle reduction, activation of mitochondria within the cells to facilitate healing.  Great for brain therapy. 

 We offer the NeuroInfiniti Brain Scan to measure your body’s ability to handle and deal with stress.  Interested in getting your brain scanned? Reach out today! Anxiety, Depression, Dementia, ADHD are all signs of your brain not balanced…let’s figure out why. 

Dr. Kristina was on Good Things Utah  to discuss babies and car crashes, so important to have your children in the proper car seat and proper position in the car.